Know what's in your device, what's considered compatible, where to source and replace parts
Lenovo makes it easy to see the individual parts that make up your specific serial number and other same model types with different specs.
Navigating to your serial number's parts page
Enter your serial number in Lenovo's PC Support

Select Purchase Parts

Understanding the parts page
On the parts page are 6 sections:
Buy Now, As-Built, Model, Machine Type, Schematic

Buy Now: A list of parts that are compatible, in stock, and ready to purchase directly from Lenovo.
As-Built: The bill of materials for your exact serial number. Listed here are the parts contained in your unit and what your device shipped with.
Model: Standard, non-upgraded base components. The minimum internals.
Machine Type: All compatible parts, any spec, every region.
Schematic: Diagram of how parts are layered together.
Buying new parts
Identify the part number

Parts can be purchased from Lenovo directly or from Lenovo's partner Encompass by searching the part number. Encompass stocks specific parts you wouldn't find with online resellers.
If the part is general enough, such as a battery, it could be found on resellers such as Amazon. Parts from unknown 3rd party manufacturers are not recommended and may interfere with warranty claims downstream.
Part installation videos are found in my Repair Videos article
Part removal and replacement videos
Lenovo has a convenient web page titled Parts Removal and Replacement Videos - PCs and Smart Devices where you will find how to remove and replace parts in any Lenovo model type.