
Basic usage for project version control

Should you be working with large blocks of code and multiple project files, you may want to use Git to track your changes. Git allows you to take snapshots of entire directories, checkout previous versions of your project and revert back to them if necessary. Although plugins and GUIs exist, we will be using Git in the PowerShell command line. Let this guide serve as a light introduction on the basic commands to efficiently track your project and code.
Installation Download Git from Powershell with Winget Should Winget be unavailable, download it directly from
  • winget install -e --id Git.Git

  • Import the Git for PowerShell module
  • Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Confirm
  • PowerShellGet\Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser -Force

  • Configuration
    Set username and email *mandatory
  • git config --global "Massi"
  • git config --global ""

  • Set the default code editor to VS Code
  • git config --global core.editor "code --wait"

  • Set EoL to auto
  • git config --global core.autocrlf true

  • View the config file
  • git config --global -e

  • See all options
  • git config --help

  • New project
    Navigate to the working directory, it will be your repository
  • cd "C:\path\to\project"

  • Initiate the repository
  • git init
  • Hidden .git file appears

    *Don't ever touch this folder!
    Removing the .git folder deletes the projects history data. Even if temporarily removed and placed back it's original working folder, you will lose the project history tracked by git.

    Get Git's console in PowerShell
  • Import-Module posh-git
  • PowerShell has Git status

    Develop your project

    Show what files were added or modified in the repository
  • git status

  • Stage all files in the repository
  • git add .

  • Staging files with git add is mandatory to commit changes
    Should you only want to stage specific files, specify the file/directory with git add "file.txt"

    Commit the changes and give your commit a title or description (I.E: "version_1" or "completed the introduction")
  • git commit -m "version_1"

  • Creating a commit is to create a snapshot of your project.
    Repeat these steps as you continue working on your project.
    Create more commits.

    You decided that dolphins are your new favorite animal

  • git add .
  • Commit
  • git commit -m "version_2"

  • Actually you like sharks more

  • git add .
  • Commit
  • git commit -m "version_3"

  • See the commit log and commit IDs
  • git log --oneline

    The log shows the commit history. version_3 is now the master, the latest version of the project

  • Viewing old commits
    You want to temporarily view version_1 of your project
    Checkout the commit ID associated with version_1
    Your commit ID will differ.
  • git log --oneline

  • git checkout 19d8efb

  • You are now viewing version_1 of your repository

    You are done reviewing the old version.
    Go back to the master branch, the current state of your project
  • git checkout master

  • You are now back at the head of the master, the latest version of your project

    Creating branches
    You discover manatees may soon be relisted as endagered. You want to continue researching manatees without affecting the current master.

    Let's create a branch from the manatee commit called manatee

    Checkout the manatee commit (version_1)
  • git checkout 19d8efb
  • Create a branch named manatee
  • git branch manatee
  • Switch to the branch named manatee
  • git switch manatee

  • Changes in a branch only affect the current branch
    Commits in the branch will not affect nor be listed in the master

    You added information to the manatee branch
    Add, commit
  • git add .
  • git commit -m "version_1.1: Added Wiki"

  • View the commit log in current branch
  • git log --oneline

  • Your research on manatees is complete

    Go back to the master branch
  • git switch master

  • View branches in your project
  • git branch

  • Your niece has a new found interest in dolphins. Let's create a branch for version_2 called dolphin

    Checkout the dolphin commit (version_2)
  • git checkout 79910c0
  • Create a branch named dolphin
  • git branch dolphin
  • Switch to the branch named dolphin
  • git switch dolphin

  • You added information to the dolphin branch
    Add, commit
  • git add .
  • git commit -m "version_2.1: Added Wiki"
  • View the commit log in current branch
  • git log --oneline

  • Your research on dolpins is complete

    Let's continue expanding on sharks and add one more commit to the master

    Switch to the master branch
  • git switch master
  • You added information to the master branch
    Add, commit
  • git add .
  • git commit -m "version_3.1: Added Wiki"

  • Merging branches
    The master only contains your research on sharks. At first, you only wanted your project to be on sharks. Now, you want your research on manatees and dolphins to be included in your final project.

    Let's merge the manatee and dolphin branches to the master so that your final project contains all your previous research on other branches.

    Switch to the manatee branch
  • git switch manatee

  • Merge the current branch to the master with git merge master
  • git merge master
  • Switch to the branch named manatee
  • git switch manatee

  • Changes in a branch only affect the current branch
    Commits in the branch will not affect nor be listed in the master

    You added information to the manatee branch
    Add, commit
  • git add .
  • git commit -m "version_1.1: Added Wiki"

  • View the commit log in current branch
  • git log --oneline